Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Place of Peace


Inspiration:  I have been reading through Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.  In the past, these books brought me into bondage. This time around, I had a fresh perspective on them. Yes, they still present tough questions, many of which I still cannot answer. The most important thing, however, is that I learned how to temper my heart while reading these books of the law, and look at the spirit of the laws therein. I do not think this can be done without a strong foundation in the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is about love, hope, faith, and grace.

A Holy God:  In reading the books of the law, I saw a God that exhibited many emotions – love, patience, anger, and wrath, to name a few. Previously, I focused on the wrath, and came away feeling condemned and sorry for the Israelites. However, this most recent reading revealed to me that God’s wrath was actually in response to very specific, very egregious heart issues on behalf of some of the Israelites. I do not know to what extent these groups of Israelites rebelled in their hearts towards God, but it seems significant – I honestly do not think God would randomly smite them for little things. I also saw a God who was holier than any living thing. He was, and is, so holy that only a select few could approach Him, and they could only do so by the blood of goats and rams. And this holiness is the greatest power in the universe. No one and nothing could resist the Israelites with God on their side. They saw a cloud by day and a fire by night. They witnessed and felt first hand how God was a mighty tower, a fortress, and a stronghold from their enemies, as David and the other Psalmists often penned. If God is for us, who truly can be against us? That is how I genuinely felt after reading these many chapters. Yes, they also instilled the fear of God in me, but they also inspired awe. Could my physical afflictions hold fast before a mighty God? Or could the literal or proverbial bullies or enemies of my life stand in His way? These scriptures inspire me to say, “no way!” If God is for us who can be against us? One of the natural effects of having God on your side is that you experience His peace. This is not natural peace, or lack of physical conflict. This is a peace that literally transcends understanding, and renews the heart, the mind, the body, and the soul. And it is from this place of peace that we experience victory.

I also wanted to include other inspirations for the poem:

-Prince of Peace by Hillsong United.
-My lovely wife was my inspiration as she helped guide me back to seeking this place of solitude and peace through her example.

You are Holy
We are completely surrounded by your cloud
In your essence us you enshroud
A fiery pillar of fire as light
A fierce lion roars at night
No one can touch you
No one can see you
And live

You are Peace
Your name is our standard
“The Great I Am” upon our shields
You make war for us
Victory in your name is sealed

You set us down in a place of peace
A resting spot for our souls
You surround us with your angels
You watch over your flock and fold

You are our fortress
All the nations fear you
If you are for us
Who can be against us?
For you are faithful and true

I stand before the world
And say, ‘Fear God!’
Fear the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Tremble in fear
For His Kingdom draws near!

The trumpets sound
His armies advance
All evil flees at the sound of His name
All infirmity and fear run for the hills
At the sight of the Lion of Judah’s flame

His sword of brilliance goes into the wilderness
His trumpets pound fear into its foes
His hands make ready for war
Wherever He and His army goes
There is peace forever more