Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Fathers Day Poem

The other day I was holding my 11-month old daughter in my arms, and this realization poured over me:  my ability to hold this little person... this tiny adorable human being was only there by God's grace. I did not earn this ability to hold her. I simply grew into the man I am today, and now I have the strength to hold a 20 pound baby. I guess my point is that I never earned this ability; it was given to me. Ever since our first daughter was born just over nine years ago, I've always had this overwhelming sense of inadequacy. It has just been a lingering thought or question, like, "how am I able to be a father?" So subconscious, I rarely pay much attention to it, but the Lord highlighted that to me in this passing thought, and He reassured me that I have all that I need to be a father. Sure, I have and will continue to make mistakes, but I have the will, the drive, the passion, the spirit (whatever you want to call it) to love, instruct, protect, guide, empower, feed, and provide for my children. God gave that to me when I first saw little Rachel's face. It continued to drive me when I saw little Christian's hand, and today it gives me purpose when I see little Izzy's smile.

I hope that every father out there feels empowered by the simple truth that he is imbued with every grace to be the best father he can be. The following is a poem that inspired me, and I hope it inspires you.

. . . And if you have any doubts about this that ever need to quell, just watch this video - it will remind you that every father naturally has what he needs to be great!


Your Arms

Your arms, your strength
They are enough
He gave you His grace
He gives you His love
To lift up your children
Carry them
When they need
To protect, to fight, to provide
To be the one to guard and to feed
So rest, have faith, and you will see
You are adequate
Because He is all you need

Your arms, your strength
They are enough
To embrace
To bring a soft meek touch
You have a father’s heart
He gave you a gift that day
That moment when 
You first saw that little face
You may not know
Or may never have thought
You have a father’s heart
You have enough to play the part

So rest in His grace
And delight in His strength