Saturday, February 19, 2011


There are many collective truths that snake their ways through human society like rivers. Also like rivers, we social beings tend to amass along the banks of these rivers that bind us as one, identifying all of us as sinners. One truth that the Lord brought to light in my life is the same one that ushers men and women, old and young, poor and rich, feeble and strong all into one room. This human fact was built in, ingrained in the deepest roots of our existence, encoded into the first weaves of our DNA by a higher power. This reality is simple - WE ALL NEED TO BE FILLED WITH SOMETHING.
The strong need to be filled with their self-reliance, the intelligent need to be filled with information, the beautiful need to be filled with compliments of their fairness, the lazy need to be filled with passivity, the alcoholics needs to be filled with alcohol, and you could go on forever. The crux of the matter remains: not only do we humans need to worship but we need to be filled. The popularity of television, movies, internet, alcohol, narcotics, religions that inspire a false sense of power, cults and so on narrates a living story with one underlined theme - we are certainly "Jars of Clay." I speak from experience. I, an addict of more than one drug, find myself going through my days seeking significance; however, this significance I seek is to be filled with something that I enjoy - sexual pleasure, alcoholic buzz, the joy of buying new things, the satisfaction of a job well done, "vegging out." If my enjoyment cannot be promised I rarely seek it. On a macro-scale this makes very little sense, knowing that I will one day be judged for my acts and words and everything will be made known; however, from a micro-scale point of view, this is my day-to-day life.
I NEED TO BE FILLED. I am a junkie. I love television. Why do I love television? Why does anyone love television? What one productive thing has television done for humanity? It can definitely be the tool used by the enemy to keep the righteous sedated so his evil operations may continue.
I AM AN EMPTY VESSEL. Not one day passes that I do not seek something, anything, to change this perpetual state. Like my body seeks to be filled daily with nourishment, so my spirit does and so my soul.
I AM AFRAID. I am afraid of being empty. I am afraid of being used by a holy power that I cannot control. I am afraid of the prospect of losing my enjoyment in life. I am afraid of much.
THE TRUTH. I will never be TRULY filled until I am filled with the Holy Spirit and the life of Christ. NOTHING ELSE will satisfy. I may achieve temporal gratification, but gratification is merely an anesthetic, which numbs me from within, but I am still empty. ONLY GOD can fill the void.